We are blessed at Canton Uniting Church with a small yet abundant community garden full of vegetables, fruit, herbs, flowers and shrubs. As you may well know, we are in the early stages of preparing for a much bigger garden which will emerge as part of a more extensive development of our building and grounds. We want church members and local residents alike to be part of this exciting journey and for us all to have pride in creating a rich and biodiverse green space for us all to enjoy.
To build our knowledge and local connections we have been holding a number of workshops, led by local gardening experts. To date we feel that as a result we have shone a light on our collective vision for an abundant and peaceful garden. On September 23rd, 2023, a workshop was led by Pat Gregory and Louise Gray who have worked for many years in south Riverside, combining their skills of gardening community development. This event was funded by Food Cardiff which enabled the workshop to be part of the Good Food Cardiff Autumn Festival.
On the day Pat and Louise helped us to prepare the ground by mulching the beds and planting suitable crops and bulbs. These included endives, onions, and lettuce. Participants were also able to pot their own vegetables and herbs to enjoy in their own gardens or windowsill.
We also shared what Autumn vegetables were ready to munch and cook. Participants could enjoy delicious plumb yellow raspberries and could take home the last of the leeks and our green beans which have been particularly plentiful and tasty this year. In fact, they kept going until mid-November!
The opportunity to share is something that we particular enjoy and value and we always invite neighbours to help themselves to whatever they fancy. Similarly, many neighbours have donated plants for us all to delight in.
If you wish to keep up to date with developments and participate in future events, please email us on